Monday, December 5, 2011

personal info for application

Life is a series of memories which have been piled up in our mind .They are a series of good experiences ,ideals, and bad experiences, ordeals, that build up our memory chain , and all of those are overshadowed by our ambitions, desires, and  will because they streamline our path of life and assign our goals and aims. I was born and raised in Beijing, which is the capital and one of the most gorgeous cities of China. I went to elementary school at the age of six.  Later, when I was in secondary and high school, almost all my teachers recommended me to choose art as my major because they noticed that I have a talent in art, and furthermore my scores were very good at it.   
Since I was a kid, I was highly interested in Walt Disney cartoons and science fiction movies like Star Trek, and the way that the producers make the cartoons characters alive,especially Saint Seiya and The Terminator(specifically its special effects)  which were popular in 1980s, so that interest drew me to drawing not only my favorite cartoon characters but also any view that I liked it. Little by little, I improved my skills in drawing and painting which is the basic foundation of graphic designing and animation because an animator should be familiar with sketch drawing and designing; hence , all the information and skills that I was acquiring led me to animation field. After a while, my father noticed that I had got so interested in animation, so he suggested me to take an intensive course for about three months in animation in summer time in Beijing Film Academy when I had much leisure in order to boost up my skills level in this field. That course made me highly interested in stop-motion animation because I got trained by a few experts in this field with sophisticated knowledge, so it occupied my mind round the clock which gave a strong motive for me. I remember I was hooked on my computer all the time busy with animation figure models and techniques.
The other thing which assisted me was martial arts which is mandatory in schools in China because the techniques that the masters were teaching us helped me to  consolidate my imagination of body movements which plays an important role in animation , so all of these factors altogether helped me gradually build up the requisite skills for animation. Moreover, another advantage of martial arts is offering me diligence or perseverance which helps me to keep on studying and not to give up.         
From the other hand ,I have set up a goal for myself which is becoming professional in animation field because I am going to gather together all the knowledge and skills that I have learned in order to improve my skills to attain my goal . I know it is really hard, but it’s possible. As the English saying says, “Where there is a will, there is a way.” This is why I would like to continue my education at a university which can provide its students with good educational system from one side and equipment and facilities from the other side. In order to reach my goal, I started studying in the United States as an international student in 2009, so I have already passed most of GE courses and the transfer classes which are required for university regarding my major at Grossmont college; therefore, I am dead sure to accomplish all needed courses by May 2012, so I am ready to get transferred.   
         When I was in elementary school, I attended many painting competitions from my school side, and I won as a finalist in all of those completions. Besides, one of my painting was available for demonstration in Chinese National Art Gallery for a week. That was the greatest achievement which I got when I was a teenager while involving in domestic competitions, and furthermore I won a few international rewards, such as Green Star Cup.
The other factor to which I pay attention is the educational level of my intended university and also its popularity among students which makes it as an ideal and perfect university in animation field to be selected , so these factors have led me to USC  because it is one the best ones among the universities in the United States .
 At the end, I hope this simple brief application will meet your kind consideration; hence, I can eventually reach my dreams.

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